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1 February 2003 Ostracion knorrii, a Senior Synonym of the Striated Frogfish Antennarius striatus (Shaw and Nodder, 1794) Invalidated by “Reversal of Precedence”
Paolo Parenti, Theodore W. Pietsch
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Ostracion knorrii Walbaum, 1792, is shown to be a senior synonym of the antennariid anglerfish Antennarius striatus (Shaw and Nodder, 1794). Conditions exist, however, to allow “reversal of precedence” of the two names, as provided by Article 23.9.1 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Thus, A. striatus (Shaw and Nodder, 1794) is regarded as valid, qualifying as a nomen protectum, whereas the name O. knorrii Walbaum, 1792, is recognized as invalid, qualifying as a nomen oblitum.

The American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists
Paolo Parenti and Theodore W. Pietsch "Ostracion knorrii, a Senior Synonym of the Striated Frogfish Antennarius striatus (Shaw and Nodder, 1794) Invalidated by “Reversal of Precedence”," Copeia 2003(1), 187-189, (1 February 2003).[0187:OKWASS]2.0.CO;2
Received: 2 May 2002; Accepted: 9 August 2002; Published: 1 February 2003
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